Portfolio 1

Basic plot > Column Chart: Total Deaths over the years grouped by Country

A column chart is a vertical bar chart. Each column represents the total deaths for a specific country, making it easy to see which countries have higher or lower death counts. A Column Chart facilitates ranking, as viewers can see which countries have the highest and lowest death counts by comparing the heights of the columns. Column Charts are widely used and familiar to most people, making them easy to interpret for a broad audience. Viewers can quickly understand the relationship between countries and total deaths without needing specialized knowledge. All this makes it effective for identifying top contributors or outliers in the dataset. Its effective in comparing magnitudes, showing temporal trends, and facilitating ranking.

Variation 1 > Column Chart: Total Deaths over the years grouped by Country, with special emphasis on Afghanistan

Here's a column chart with specific emphasis on Afghanistan by coloring its columns red and other countries' columns blue. It is an effective way to highlight and draw attention to a significant data point. The contrasting colors create a visual hierarchy, making it easy for viewers to distinguish between Afghanistan and other countries. This helps in focusing their attention on the critical data point (Afghanistan) while still providing context (other countries). By using color, one can tell a compelling story about the data, in this case, about the impact of deaths in Afghanistan over the years.

Variation 2 > Geo Chart: Total Deaths over the years grouped by Country with it's geoghraphic location

A geochart is a map of a country, a continent, or a region. I chose this chart as the dataset involved countries. Showing the total death count on the map provides a global perspective, allowing viewers to see how the distribution of deaths varies geographically. GeoCharts allow for easy comparison between different countries. By visually representing the data on a map, viewers can quickly identify which countries have higher or lower numbers of deaths over the specified period. GeoCharts can be a powerful and effective way to communicate insights from the data, particularly if geographical distribution and temporal trends are essential aspects of the analysis.

Variation 3 > Pie Chart: Total Deaths over the years grouped by Country

A pie chart is a type of graph representing data in a circular form, with each slice of the circle representing a fraction or proportionate part of the whole. All slices of the pie add up to make the whole equaling 100 percent and 360 degrees. Each slice of the pie represents a country's proportion of total deaths, allowing viewers to compare the relative importance of each country. With a limited number of categories (countries in this case), a Pie Chart can provide a clear representation of the data without overwhelming the audience with too many details. Large slices (representing high deaths) or small slices (representing low deaths) can draw viewers' attention to countries of particular interest.