Portfolio 3

Tableau Map: U.S. Airport Distribution and Classification

This dashboard provides a comprehensive visualization of the distribution and classification of airports across the United States. It consists of two key components: a map visualizing the count of airports in each state using color gradients and a bar chart displaying the count of airports grouped by classes and states.

Sheet 1: Count of Airports in the States of the U.S.

  • Visualization Type: Geographic Map with Color Gradient
  • Description: This map illustrates the number of airports in each state across the U.S. using a color gradient. States with a higher count of airports are represented with darker shades, while states with fewer airports are depicted with lighter shades. This visual representation allows users to quickly identify regions with high concentrations of airports, facilitating regional analysis and comparison.

Sheet 2: Count of Airports Grouped by Classes and States

  • Visualization Type: Bar Chart
  • Description: This bar chart categorizes airports based on their classification (Classes I, II, III, IV) and counts the number of airports within each class for each state. The classification is based on criteria such as airport size, traffic volume, and operational characteristics. This chart provides a detailed breakdown of airport types within each state, offering insights into the diversity and scale of airport operations across the country.

The Airport location data was gathered from Kaggle, and the Classes was taken from the United States Department of Transportation website.